Interviewer Results
Last updated
Last updated
The interviewer's results come in two different formats
Once the interviews and analysis are complete, Yazi generates detailed transcripts of all conversations. These transcripts include text and voice note responses, ensuring no nuance is lost.
Where to Find Them:
Navigate to the Results tab in your Yazi dashboard to access the transcripts.
You can also download your transcripts for offline access and further analysis.
How to Download:
In the Results tab, look for the download option located in the right-hand corner.
Select if you would like to download the transcripts as TXT files or a single CSV.
TXT: Click on this option to download your transcripts as TXT files, saved as a single ZIP file.
CSV: File with the following columns: ID, sender (interviewer or participant), Message, Time stamp
This seamless process ensures you have comprehensive access to all interview data, both online and offline, for thorough analysis and reporting.
Click 'View table' to view the participants that are participating in the interview.
Completion status
Completion progress
Questions answered
Last updated (date/time)
Download as CSV
Accessing Interview Insights:
Navigate to the "Results" section of the Yazi platform.
Under "Interview Insights," you will find summarised themes and key points extracted from the conversations. These insights highlight important findings and provide a quick overview of the data.
The insights are presented in a user-friendly format, allowing you to understand and share them with stakeholders easily.
Regenerate Insights:
If needed, you can regenerate insights to refine or update them based on additional data or new analysis parameters.